About Me

Monday, December 15, 2008

life under the weather (3)

This being a Fool’s blog, with all the potential for irrelevance, banality and clichés that that entails, I don’t suppose it comes as a surprise that it should have kicked off on this most banal of topics, the weather. But it’s not just that. We’ve had unusually bad weather for the past two weeks and it was beginning to weigh on one’s mind. Now the sun is out, even if the wind has not abated. We’ll see if we can move on to other things.

1 comment:

guincho said...

The Queen of England also talks of the weather, when she meets someone for the first time... (not that I can really trust her...)

...do we have to post our comments in English, too? I've just spent most of my credits here; from now on I'm afraid it'll turn Portglish...
